Wealth Building In War Time

With major conflicts occurring in the Middle East, Ukraine, and serious evidence of bio-warfare from China causing anxiety and fear all across the globe, we're exploring how entrepreneurs can still succeed despite the turmoil. We asked Michael Darius, designer of the iTunes music store how Apple became the world's first trillion dollar company even when terrorism was striking US soil in 2001 with the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.

Also joining The Speaker Salon for this episode is Anna Rodgers, a regular co-host and author of Toxic World Toxic People, illustrating the scams and solutions within the healthcare industry. Our friend Alan Newell was our third guest speaker, a life-long entrepreneur formerly in the restaurant industry who now builds teams that serve humanity in the supplement and nutrition industry.

We thank you for listening to The Speaker Salon. You can support our work by taking a look at our Parallel Economy offer. This week's featured product is Pure Body Extra clinoptilolite zeoliteā€”the safest heavy detox product on the market. Get $50 off your first bottle by taking advantage of this link: https://callinghealers.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-10c2020-lp


The Speaker Salon is hosted by Alana Newman, author of Beauty First Method: Instantly Communicate Your Value. If you're interested in developing your personal brand as a speaker, join here.

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