Evidence of Bio-Warfare

On this episode of The Speaker Salon, we interview three men with credible Evidence of Bio-Warfare. Harry Fisher, author of Safe and Effective, For Profit: A Paramedics Story Exposing American Genocide joined us to describe his experiences in the field as an EMT and Paramedic before Covid-19, during the crisis of lockdowns and fear of the virus, and what happened after the vaccine roll out. https://fishersbook.com

Our second guest, John Beaudoin Sr., aka Coquin de Chien, is the author of The Real CDC: Real Facts for Regular People and The CDC Memorandum: Notice of Criminal Liability. After collecting over 500,000 death recoreds from Massachusetts and successfully suing the governor, John is proving that widespread fraud was committed during COVID, amounting to mass murder.

Our third guest, Ernest Ramirez now travels the country with a painted trailer memorializing his son, who died shortly after his Pfizer mRNA vaccine after mainstream media claimed it was safe for teenagers. You can donate to support Ernest's advocacy at: jrsguardianvoice.com

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The Speaker Salon is hosted by Alana Newman, author of Beauty First Method: Instantly Communicate Your Value. If you're interested in developing your personal brand as a speaker, join here.

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