Bioweapons & Bolus Theory

On this episode of The Speaker Salon, we ask if both the Sars-Cov-2 virus as well as the associated vaccines were bioweapons, and if so, how can it be explained that some people were injured or killed while others seem to be alive and well, unscathed.

Our first speaker is businessman and systems analyst Marc Girardot who applied his engineering skills and over 10,000 hours of dedicated research to try and understand the truth about the Covid vaccine debate, and the general argument of so-called "anti-vaxxers" that injections cause debilitating chronic illness. Marc's book, "The Needle's Secret" is published and available to read. In it he coins the term "Bolus Theory" which argues that variability in the procedural techniques of injection can account for different outcomes, explaining why some people have horrific injuries as well as why there are so many different types of injuries and symptoms. Grab his book:

Second to the mic is former Marine, and Weapons of Mass Destruction expert Charles Rixey, MA MBA. As a member of DRASTIC, Rixey helped uncover key intelligence proving that Sars-Cov-2 was manipulated in a lab as a gain-of-function weapon, and the timeline of the vaccine mandates amounted to a one-two punch bio-warfare event. His investigations are published on his substack:

Our third speaker is Lyndsey House, RNā€”severely injured by the mandated COVID-19 vaccine, Lyndsey has built a substantial community online documenting the injuries of victims of the COVID-19 vaccine bioweapon. She publishes before and after photos, lab work results, and indisputable evidence that her quality of life was shattered following the injection. You can help her documentation efforts, making sure history accurately records what happened by visiting her petition:

Also, we appreciate you checking out our featured products.
This episode's featured offer is GREEN ENERGY by Touchstone Essentials. It helps rid the body of (spike) protein fragments with therapeutic units of bromelain and nattokinase. You can try your first bottle for just $10 by using our link:

The Speaker Salon is hosted by Alana Newman, author of Beauty First Method: Instantly Communicate Your Value. If you're interested in developing your personal brand as a speaker, join here.

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