Organ Harvesting: The Dead Donor Rule

On this episode of The Speaker Salon, we interview two doctors and a theologian on the topic of organ harvesting and the controversies surrounding brain death diagnostics. Dr. Heidi Klessig, author of The Brain Death Fallacy shares about her career as an anaesthesiologist and why she was needed in the operating room to administer anaesthesia to a man who was pronounced dead. Her website is:

Michael Arthur Vacca, a legal scholar and bioethicist, gives a philosophical argument for personhood beyond utility and why organ transplants as currently practiced amount to euthanasia and predatory exploitation of the most vulnerable.

Dr. Paul Byrne, a pioneer in the field of neonatology gives his account as a critical care medical doctor over the decades since organ transplants were first becoming possible. His case studies and personal battles with the medical journals warrant deeper reflection as to the legitimacy of a brain death diagnosis, and how you can protect yourself in case of an emergency. Read Christopher Bogosh's biography, titled "Dr. Paul A. Byrne: Defender of Life" Learn more about organ donation refusal at

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The Speaker Salon is hosted by Alana Newman, author of Beauty First Method: Instantly Communicate Your Value. If you're interested in developing your personal brand as a speaker, join here.

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