Endangered Species: Bioweapons, Eugenics, and More

On this episode of The Speaker Salon, we interview three individuals who dutifully responded to the Covid-19 crisis, using the full capacity of their intellectual and creative energy to uncover and correct what amounts to serious crimes against humanity perpetrated by our top leaders.

Dr. Richard M. Fleming, a distinguished physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney wiith over fifty years of research experience, has made significant contributions to our understanding of heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. Dr. Fleming's work challenges conventional medical narratives and sheds light on critical public health issues. He has shaken up the narrative on what truly causes heart disease, giving us The Fleming Method and Inflammo Thrombotic Response Theory. He is the author of groundbreaking books: "Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?" and "Stop Inflammation Now!". His most recent book, "Are We the Next Endangered Species: Bioweapons, Eugenics, and More", was constructed to be put in the hands of prosecutors so a first year law student could win in a trial for war crimes and gross violations of human dignity.

Laurie Gagan is a holistic health/nutrition coach with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the world’s largest nutrition school and a certified brain health coach with Dr. Amen Clinics. Laurie has spent years helping clients address various emotional and health disorders through proper nutrition, supplementation, and amino acids.  She is a root cause healer and helps her clients titer off of big pharma. Her show, the Wellness Crusaders can be found on Mainstream Media Utah or KMMU.org, where she discusses toxic burden and healthcare consumer advocacy and is the founder of https://stopsprayingglyphosate.com and https://lucky2beme.org

Marie Leon has a background in design and sales with over a decade of experience in in product development and the commercial sector, but like many of us was thrown into a whole new category of activity when we realized with Covid that we couldn't in fact trust our government or healthcare providers to give us quality information that served our best interests. Marie's training in cognitive behavioral psychology has been an important skillset and is helping people understand mistakes in their core beliefs, dysfunctional assumptions, and negative automatic thoughts such as, “I'm only one person and powerless to do anything about illegal government actions.”

The featured offer of today's episode, is Green Energy by Touchstone Essentials. Green energy combines Nattokinase and Bromelain to deliver powerful proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants to help eliminate protein fragments (like spike proteins), banish brain fog and restore energy. Touchstone Essentials is so confident in their product that they've created a special offer where you can try a bottle for just $10. https://callinghealers.thegoodinside.com/special-offer-green-energy-lp

The Speaker Salon is hosted by Alana Newman, author of Beauty First Method: Instantly Communicate Your Value. If you're interested in developing your personal brand as a speaker, join here.

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